Home Inventory
Home Inventory
No matter where you live, or what you live in, it's a good idea to keep a record of your belongings, and any items you want your policy to cover.
Record your belongings
A great way to log your belongings is to keep a photographic record. This can be a set of videos or pictures that build on your paper records like receipts and warranty information.
Then, if something happens, you will have a better record of all your stuff and help prove what you had in your home when the loss occurred.
Be sure to keep the video or pictures off premises (preferably in a safe deposit box).
Remember to update your inventory once a year, or after any major purchases for your home.
Need help?
An easy to fill out Homeowners' Inventory Checklist Form is available from the Florida Department of Financial Services, you can access the checklist by clicking on the link below:
Homeowners' Inventory Checklist
Please contact our office for more information about property policies, and tips for keeping track of your items.
Call us today - (407) 293-1009 or (863) 293-5400
or E-Mail Us
